Thomas Bashford-Rogers

Institution: The University of Warwick
Position: Associate Professor
Research: My research focuses on realistic and accurate Computer Graphics, and I'm especially interested in how to efficiently simulate light transport in realistic and detailed virtual environments. This involves developing novel light transport simulations, importance sampling, and MCMC. I also work in other areas such as AI and Deep Learning, HDR imaging, exploiting human perception for computational gains, and cross-disciplinary research with other domains.
Education: Completed my PhD at Warwick with a thesis titled "Accelerating Global Illumination for Physically-Based Rendering", and before that did my undergraduate degree in Computer Science in Bristol University. I am also a FHEA.
Teaching: Program Lead for MSc Games Engineering at the University of Warwick. Formerly was a Senior Lecturer in Games Technology at UWE Bristol.
Reviewer for SIGGRAPH (2022, 2023), SIGGRAPH ASIA Courses (2020, 2021), SIGGRAPH General Submissions (2018, 2023), IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, IEEE Access, TVCG, Computer Graphics Forum, Parallel Computing, The Visual Computer, Computers and Graphics, EGPGV, VAST, VS-GAMES, GRAPP, VRCAI, EPCGI, SCCG, IASTED CGVCVIP, HDRI, SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation and Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences .




Self-Supervised High Dynamic Range Imaging: What Can Be Learned from a Single 8-bit Video?

F. Banterle, D. Marnerides, T. Bashford-Rogers, K. Debattista

Transactions on Graphics (Presented at SIGGRAPH)

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arXiv Version (2022) 

Path Space Partitioning and Guided Image Sampling for MCMC

T. Bashford-Rogers and L. P. Santos

Technical Report

Paper BibTex File 

Towards Quantum Ray Tracing

L. P. Santos, T. Bashford-Rogers, J. Barbosa, P. Navrátil

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

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Supplementary Material 

arXiv Version (2022) 

Deep Learning Approach for Automatic Detection of Split Defects on Sheet Metal Stamping Parts

A. Ranjan Singh, T. Bashford-Rogers, K. Debattista and S. Hazra

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture

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Conditional Resampled Importance Sampling and ReSTIR

M. Kettunen*, D. Lin*, R. Ramamoorthi, T. Bashford-Rogers, C. Wyman

SIGGRAPH Asia (Conference Paper)

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Generating Synthetic Training Images to Detect Split Defects in Stamped Components

A. Ranjan Singh, T. Bashford-Rogers, S. Hazra and K. Debattista

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

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HDR Image-Based Deep Learning Approach for Automatic Detection of Split Defects on Sheet Metal Stamping Parts

A. Ranjan Singh, T. Bashford-Rogers, D. Marnerides, K. Debattista, and S. Hazra

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

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Deep Dynamic Cloud Lighting

P. Satilmis, T. Bashford-Rogers


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Ensemble Metropolis Light Transport

T. Bashford-Rogers, L. P. Santos, D. Marnerides, K. Debattista

Transactions on Graphics, Presented at SIGGRAPH

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A Wide Spectral Range Sky Radiance Model

P. Vévoda, T. Bashford-Rogers, M. Kolářová, A. Wilkie

Computer Graphics Forum, Proceedings of Pacific Graphics

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Deep Synthesis of Cloud Lighting

P. Satilmis, D. Marnerides, K. Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications

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A Fitted Radiance and Attenuation Model for Realistic Atmospheres

A. Wilkie*, P. Vévoda*, T. Bashford-Rogers, L. Hošek, T. Iser, M. Kolářová, T. Rittig, J. Křivánek

Transactions on Graphics, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH

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Deception in Network Defences using Unpredictability

J. Happa, T. Bashford-Rogers, A. Janse Van Rensburg, M. Goldsmith, S. Creese


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Deep HDR Hallucination for Inverse Tone Mapping

D. Marnerides, T. Bashford-Rogers and K. Debattista


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Per-Pixel Classification of Clouds from Whole Sky HDR Images

P. Satilmis, T. Bashford-Rogers, A. Chalmers and K. Debattista

Signal Processing: Image Communication

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Assessing a Decision Support Tool for SOC Analysts

J. Happa, I. Agrafiotis, M. Helmhout, T. Bashford-Rogers, M. Goldsmith, S. Creese


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Spectrally Consistent UNet for High Fidelity Image Transformations

D. Marnerides, T. Bashford-Rogers, and K. Debattista


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A Quantum Algorithm for Ray Casting using an Orthographic Camera

Carolina Alves, Luis Paulo Santos and Thomas Bashford-Rogers

Proceedings of ICGI2019

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Learning Preferential Perceptual Exposure for HDR Displays

T. Bashford-Rogers, M. Melo, K. Debattista, D. Marnerides, M. Bessa, and A. Chalmers

IEEE Access

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Audio-Visual-Olfactory Resource Allocation for Tri-modal Virtual Environments

E. Doukakis, K. Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers, A. Dhokia, A. Asadipour, A. Chalmers and C. Harvey


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Anomaly Detection using Pattern-of-Life Visual Metaphors

J. Happa, T. Bashford-Rogers, I. Agrafiotis, M. Goldsmith, S. Creese

IEEE Access

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Uniform Color Space based High Dynamic Range Video Compression

R. Mukherjee, K.Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers, M. Bessa and A. Chalmers

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

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ExpandNet: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network for High Dynamic Range Expansion from Low Dynamic Range Content

D. Marnerides, T. Bashford-Rogers, J. Hatchett and K. Debattista


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Frame rate vs Resolution: a subjective evaluation of spatio-temporal perceived quality under varying computational budgets

K. Debattista, K. Bugeja, S. Spina, T. Bashford-Rogers and V. Hulusic

Computer Graphics Forum

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Subjective Evaluation of High-Fidelity Virtual Environments for Driving Simulations

K. Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers, C. Harvey, B. Waterfield and A. Chalmers

IEEE Transactions On Human-Machine Systems

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Olfaction and Selective-Rendering

C. Harvey, T. Bashford-Rogers, E. Doukakis, K. Debattista, and A. Chalmers

Computer Graphics Forum

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Audio-Visual Resource Allocation for Bimodal Virtual Environments

E. Doukakis, K. Debattista, C. Harvey, T. Bashford-Rogers and A. Chalmers

Computer Graphics Forum

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Objective and Subjective Evaluation of High Dynamic Range Video Compression

R. Mukherjee, K.Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers, P. Vangorp, R. Mantiuk, M. Bessa, B. Waterfield and A. Chalmers

Signal Processing: Image Communication

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Mixing Tone Mapping Operators on the GPU by Differential Zone Mapping Based on Psychophysical Experiments

F. Banterle, A. Artusi, E. Sikudova, P. Ledda, T. Bashford-Rogers, A. Chalmers, and M Bloj

Signal Processing: Image Communication

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Multi-Modal Perception for Selective Rendering

C. Harvey, K. Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers and A. Chalmers

Computer Graphics Forum

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An evaluation of Power Transfer Functions for HDR video compression

J. Hatchett, K. Debattista, R. Mukherjee, T. Bashford-Rogers and A. Chalmers

The Visual Computer

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A Study on User Preference of High Dynamic Range over Low Dynamic Range Video

R. Mukherjee, K. Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers, B. Waterfield and A. Chalmers

The Visual Computer

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A Calibrated Olfactory Display for High Fidelity Virtual Environments

A. Dhokia, E. Doukakis, A. Asadipour, C. Harvey, T. Bashford-Rogers, K. Debattista, B. Waterfield, A. Chalmers

Proceedings of EG UK Computer Graphics & Visual Computing

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Selective BRDFs for High Fidelity Rendering

T. Bradley, K. Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers, C. Harvey, E. Doukakis and A. Chalmers

Proceedings of EG UK Computer Graphics & Visual Computing

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A Machine Learning Driven Sky Model

P. Satilmis, T. Bashford-Rogers, A. Chalmers and K. Debattista

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (To Appear)

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Optimal Exposure Compression for High Dynamic Range Content

K. Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers, E. Selmanovic, R. Mukherjee and A. Chalmers

The Visual Computer

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Importance Driven Environment Map Sampling

Thomas Bashford-Rogers, Kurt Debattista and Alan Chalmers

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

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Enabling Stereoscopic High Dynamic Range Video

E. Selmanovic, K. Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers and A. Chalmers

Signal Processing: Image Communication (Special Issue on Advances in High Dynamic Range Video Research)

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Generating Stereoscopic HDR Images using HDR-LDR Image Pairs

E. Selmanovic, K. Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers and A. Chalmers

ACM Transactions on Applied Perception

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A Significance Cache for Accelerating Global Illumination

Thomas Bashford-Rogers, Kurt Debattista and Alan Chalmers

Computer Graphics Forum

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Cultural Heritage Predictive Rendering

J. Happa, T. Bashford-Rogers, A. Wilkie, A. Artusi, K. Debattista and A. Chalmers

Computer Graphics Forum

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High-fidelity interactive rendering on desktop grids

V. Aggarwal, K. Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers, P.Dubla and A. Chalmers

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications

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Dynamic Range Compression by Differential Zone Mapping Based on Psychophysical Experiments

F. Banterle, A. Artusi, E. Sikudova, T. Bashford-Rogers, P. Ledda, M. Bloj and A. Chalmers

Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2012

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Time-constrained Animation Rendering on Desktop Grids

V. Aggarwal, K. Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers and A. Chalmers

Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2012

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Light clustering for dynamic image based lighting

S. Staton, K. Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers and A. Chalmers

Proceedings of Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics (EGUK) 2012

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Backwards Compatible JPEG Stereoscopic High Dynamic Range Imaging

E. Selmanovic, K. Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers and A. Chalmers

Proceedings of Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics (EGUK) 2012

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Approximate Visibility Grids for Interactive Indirect Illumination

Thomas Bashford-Rogers, Kurt Debattista, Carlo Harvey and Alan Chalmers

Proceedings of VS-GAMES 2011

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Rendering Interior Cultural Heritage Scenes Using Image-based Shooting

J. Happa, T. Bashford-Rogers, K. Debattista and A. Chalmers

Proceedings of Eurographics 2011 (Heritage Track)

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Visual Saliency for Smell Impulses and Application to Selective Rendering

C. Harvey, T. Bashford-Rogers, K. Debattista and A. Chalmers

Proceedings of Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics (EGUK) 2011

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Complete Motion Control of a Serious Game Against Obesity in Children

S. Scarle, I. Dunwell, T. Bashford-Rogers, E. Selmanovic, K. Debattista, J. Powell, W. Robertson and A. Chalmers

Proceedings of VS-GAMES 2011

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The Effect of Discretised and Fully Converged Spatialised Sound on Directional Attention and Distraction

C. Harvey, S. Walker, T. Bashford-Rogers, K. Debattista and A. Chalmers

Proceedings of Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics (EGUK) 2010

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Time-constrained High-fidelity Rendering on Local Desktop Grids

V. Aggarwal, K. Debattista, P.Dubla, T. Bashford-Rogers and A. Chalmers

Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2009

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The Virtual Reconstruction and Daylight Illumination of the Panagia Angeloktisti

J. Happa, A. Artusi, P. Dubla, T. Bashford-Rogers, K. Debattista, V. Hulusic, and A. Chalmers

Proceedings of the 10th International conference on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

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A Physically-Based Client-Server Rendering Solution For Mobile Devices

M. Aranha, P. Dubla, K. Debattista, T. Bashford-Rogers and A. Chalmers

Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Mobile and ubiquitous multimedia

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High dynamic range display of authentically illuminated Byzantine art from Cyprus

E. Zanyi, Y. Chrysanthou, T. Bashford-Rogers and A. Chalmers

Proceedings of the 8th International conference on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage

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